Our Sentinel systems are supported 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Support is provided from our York office, and includes telephone advice, remote diagnostics, free upgrades and (where necessary) site visits. There are 20 technical staff available for out of hours support and each on-call engineer is backed up by three experienced technical staff. Preventative Maintenance can be performed as a daily service by our support team to ensure that potential problems are detected in advance and rectified before they become noticeable to the customer.
Monitor Computer Systems provides 6 upgrades of our products per year installed free of charge as part of the support service. These upgrades help keep our customers at the forefront of technology changes, market developments and regulatory compliance.
The Sentinel product suite is constantly advancing in speed and functionality, driven by customer requirements and market needs. We actively seek advice from our customers as to how they want the system to develop. We are also open to bespoke requests for enhancements.
With more than 30 years experience in the security world, Monitor staff have a wealth of knowledge to share with our customers. We are happy to advise on technical, commercial and strategic aspects of monitoring services.
Monitor offers a variety of training courses covering:
- Basic operator skills
- Supervisor training
- Client administration
- System administrator functions
- Report design
- Customer billing
- Training may be undertaken at customer premises or in Monitor offices
- Training courses are limited to a maximum of 4 trainees at one time.
- Internet (Webinar) training can be booked in units of one hour and is useful for covering smaller parts of the system.
Installation, Commissioning and Hardware Diagnostics
Our experienced IT staff are able to ensure that all hardware is installed and configured correctly for operating systems and Sentinel software. We can also detect and diagnose cases where a problem on the system is caused by hardware failure.
User workshops, conferences and consultation
As part of our commitment to providing software that will deliver the services that monitoring centres need, Monitor consults its customers widely through surveys, workshops and at our biennial user conference. Where major new developments are in view customers are invited to workshops where they can see prototypes of the new features and give advice and guidance as to the best way to proceed.